Why Us:


Tea/Coffee At Beak and Call

The race-pace, chase-maze world of competition leaves you with little or no time to beat that all-compelling fatigue, which is why you definitely need those alluring, short & crisp beverages breaks to soothe your frayed nerves & rejuvenate you. We bring the solution to your establishment in the guise of Aromas-n-Blends Vending Machines, so the chaiwala won’t get on your nerves, taking his own sweet time to sugar your tea……… you can even grab that cup of Coffee in between marathon meetings, when you just can’t wait for the seeds to be brewed. A modern and contemporary place like yours can no longer rely on the conventional canteen for your beverage needs. We offer you a hygienic, convenient, consistent and cost effective alternative - The Aromas-n-Blends Beverage Vending Services - a one-stop shop for your entire hot beverage needs. Coffee tea premix has been spinning a success story since 1999, due to our commitment in : Selecting the best machine to suit your organization Selecting the best premixes to suit the machine, your taste and your economics And finally backing up all this with an excellent technical support, so that you enjoy your favorite beverage uninterrupted.